1.5 The VSD control of first-chilled pump 一次冷冻水泵变频掌控
1.6 The interface and the control objects with the group control system 与群火控的界面和掌控对象冷水机
1.7 The control flow chart
1.8 System architecture 网络架构
Charter 5 Optimizing strategy 第5章优化策略
5.1 System open question系统开放性问题
åthe mainly propose for this project chiller group control. 项目基本情况:本次项目主要是科真亮群火控中科真亮以此类推机掌控部分和相应一次冷冻水泵的启停掌控。冷水机
The main device is as follows主要包括以下设备:
Six chillers (one 3900KW chiller, three 5800KW chillers, another two are added for future), six first chilled pumps (one 45KW VSD pump, three 75KW VSD pumps, another two are added for future), some energy meters.科真亮6台(本次1台3900KW科真亮,3台5800KW科真亮,另外两台为日后增加),一次冷冻水泵6台(1台45KW变频泵,3台75KW变频泵,2台75KW变频泵日后增加),能量计等设备组成。冷水机
The group control of chillers is controlled by other automatic control company. The JCI only control the quantity of the chillers, the related cooling valves and the first chilled pumps. In order to control the chiller quantity stably and energy-efficiently according to the building Load, the FEC series controller and Network automation controller are choose in this system. 本群火控由其他自控厂家来完成,我们仅对科真亮以此类推机掌控和相关冷却水阀门和一次冷冻水泵的启停进行掌控。采用江森的FEC系列DDC和NAE网络引擎掌控技术根据空调负荷对冷冻机组进行台数掌控,在确保冷冻机稳定运行的基础上,达到高效和节能的目的。冷水机
In order to insure the system following the network technology and the high reliability, the system design comply with the following design reference, codes and standards.为了保证系统既能适应当今网络技术的发展,又具有极高的可靠性,系统设计以及设备制造遵从以下设计依据、规范和标准:冷水机
² Intelligent building design standards智能建筑设计标准 (GB/T50314-2006);冷水机
² Code for acceptance of quality of Intelligent build ing systems智能建筑工程质量验收规范 (GB 50339-2003)
² Code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning采暖通风与空气调节设计规范(GB50019-2003)冷水机
² Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范 (GB 50312-2007)
² Code for acceptance of construction quality of building electrical engineering建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 (GB 50303-2002)冷水机
² Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 (GB 50300-2001)
² Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings公共建筑节能设计标准 (GB 50189-2005)冷水机
² Evaluation standard for green building 绿色建筑评价标准 (GB 50378-2006)
² Code for acceptance of construction of intelligent building智能建筑施工及验收规范 (DG/TJ08-601)冷水机
² Code for construction and acceptance of Industrial Automation Instrument Engineering轻工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范 (GB50093-2002)
² Standard for inspection of building automation system建筑设备监火控检验标准 (DB/TJ08-605-2004)冷水机
² Code for Distributed Control System engineering design分散型掌控系统工程设计规定(HG/T20573-2012)
² Code for electrleal design of civil buildings民用建筑电气设计规范 (JGJ16-2008)
² Code for design of automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统设计规范(GB50116-1998);冷水机
² The international standard of information technology interconnection信息技术互连国际标准(ISO/IECl1801-95);
² Code for fire protection design of tall buildings高层民用建筑设计防火规范(GB50045-95);冷水机
² Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies低压成套开关设备和掌控设备 (GB7251.1-2005);
² Low-voltage switchgear and control gear低压开关设备和掌控设备 (GB 14048-2008)
² Other rules and norms related industries其他相关行业的规定及规范冷水机
Charter 3 Demand analysis 第3章 需求分析
The perfect combination between the up down control and the chiller group control is the project owners ‘prospect. And the up down control, related first-chilled pump and the related electronic valves are controlled automatically. All the control data will be exchanged with the group control system, the system running status and fault will be outputted.业主希望科真亮以此类推机掌控和整体科真亮群控完美结合,实现科真亮以此类推机、相应一次冷冻水泵、相关电动阀门实现全自动掌控,所有数据要与群火控互换,并可进行系统运行状况的判断输出报警。冷水机
3.1 Electromechanical equipment being controlled and managed automatically will be realized.实现各种机电设备的自动掌控和管理冷水机
Such as: load automatic control, the programed start and stop of first-chilled pump, the number of running chillers automatic control, the automatic receive of device overload alarm, the backup device automatic switchover. 如负荷的自动掌控、一次冷冻水泵设备的程序启停、机组开启台数的自动掌控,设备过载警报的自动接收,备用设备自动切换运行等。冷水机
The commission between the BA system and the chiller will be realized for running data collection and provide a series interlock protection measures to insure the system stably running. The popup alarm information will remind the operator when the device is fault. 系统与科真亮通讯,采集运行数据,提供一系列连锁保护措施保证系统稳定运行,当设备发生故障时,能立即弹出报警信息提醒操作员。冷水机
3.3 The standard bus commission interface will be provided for accessing the existing system提供标准总线通信接口接入现有系统冷水机
The group control system will provide the standard bacnet protocol bus commission interface for the building automatic system. 群火控可提供标准通讯接口BACNET供楼宇自火控整合接驳。冷水机
Charter 4 system design 第4章 系统设计
1.1 The start of the chiller 科真亮启动
1. The chiller start command is send by the group control system, the DDC will choose one from the chiller 02~04 which running time is minimum when the DDC receives the start command. . 科真亮启动命令由群火控发出,DDC接收到启动命令后中运行时间最小的一台科真亮进行开机。冷水机
2. Before start the chiller, the cooling valve and the first-chilled pump should be started first. The chiller will be started after receiving the normal signal of the valve and pump.科真亮启动之前首先开启冷却水阀门和一次冷冻水泵,等待接收到阀门开启冷却水正常信号和冷冻水泵运行正常信号3分钟后启动冷冻机。冷水机
3. Another chiller will be started again when the cooling, chilled or the first chiller is fault. 当冷却水故障或者冷冻水泵故障、科真亮有故障时系统自动从新选择一台科真亮运行。冷水机
4. The small chiller will be choose firstly in the transition season or reserved after the down stage.过渡季首先运行CH01小型科真亮,或者减机后最后保留小型科真亮冷水机
1.2 Up stage control 加机掌控
The chiller will monitor the terminal load every 20 minutes. The system still to wait for 10 minutes when the requirement of heating load just over the running chiller’s capacity or the requirement of the chilled water flow just over the running chiller ‘s capacity occurs, and the system still overload, the system will add another chiller automatically.科真亮每20分钟会监测末端的负载情况,当热负荷的需求恰好超过在线运行的冷水机组的能力时,或者冷冻水流量的需求恰好超过在线运行的冷水机组的能力时两种任何一种状况满足时系统仍等待10分钟仍然处于超负荷状态系统自动加机。冷水机
The chiller will monitor the terminal load every 20 minutes. If the number of running chillers are N; firstly, set load switching point, then judge that whether the rated load of (n-1) chiller is equal to the building load of the current N chillers or not, if yes and judge that stopping one running chiller will not lead to requirement of the chilled water for the building over the other running chiller’s capacity. The system still to wait for 10 minutes at low building load status, then the system will subtract one chiller. 科真亮每20分钟会监测末端的负载情况,如果有N台冷水机组在线运行,判定一个负荷量的切换点,此时N-1台冷水机组的额定负荷能力恰好等于当前N台科真亮的负荷量,并且,停止一台在线运行科真亮将不会导致大楼对冷冻水的需求量大于其余正在运行的冷水机组的能力时再等待10分钟仍然处于低负荷状态系统自动减机。冷水机
1. Adjust the slide valve position in order to make the chiller in maximum efficiency status 为了使科真亮的运行效率最大化,调节滑阀位置使科真亮的效率最大化。冷水机
The slide valve position will be opened from 60% when the chiller starts, and the DDC will regulator the slide valve position from 60% to 98%当科真亮开机时滑阀位置从60%慢慢开启,DDC调节滑阀位置从60%~98%(可设置位置区间)之间。冷水机
2. Keep one chiller as load regulator, other chillers’ slide valve are opened maximum in order to maximum the chillers’ efficiency when great than two chillers are running 当两台以上科真亮在运行时为了科真亮效率最大化,除一台科真亮作为负荷调整使用以外,剩余运行的科真亮滑阀位置开到最大,使功率最大化,剩余一台科真亮调节滑阀位置,满足当前负荷。冷水机
1.5 The VSD control of first-chilled pump 一次冷冻水泵变频掌控冷水机
The vsd pumps are controlled according to the terminal building load, the full-loaded chillers will go to power frequency running, at this situation, the flow of the chiller which is adjusting its slide valves is regulating according the terminal building load. The chilled water is open chilled water tank system, and every VSD pump can working at different frequency. 根据末端负载流量情况掌控变频泵,运行满载的科真亮趋于工频运行,调节滑阀位置的科真亮流量根据末端流量进行变频调节。本次系统中冷冻水不是分水器而是开式冷冻水箱系统,每台变频泵可按不同的频率工作。冷水机
1.6 The interface and the control objects with the group control system 与群火控的界面和掌控对象冷水机
1. The JCI controllers have the standard bacnet protocol for commission with the third part devices. 江森DDC采用楼宇掌控标准协议BACnet TCP/IP协议与外界通讯,冷水机
2. The running status, energy signal of every loop and flow information will be collected for the JCI controllers from the group control system.江森DDC需要采集信号有群火控运行信号、每回路上的能量计能量信号和流量信号冷水机
3. Running parameters of every chiller, the status, fault and frequency signal of first-chilled pumps can be output for integration.江森DDC输出信号有每台科真亮的运行参数、一次冷冻泵的运行状态、故障、频率反馈等信号冷水机
4. Control object: the cooling valve, start/stop and frequency control of first-chilled pump, start/stop and parameters of chillers.掌控对象:冷却水阀门掌控冷水机
The management layer network entirely based on the Ethernet (TCP/IP) from the above structure diagram, using the latest technology, and adopt international open standard protocol of BACnet communication.从以上的网络结构图可以看到,管理层网络完全建立在以太网(TCP/IP)基础上,利用了网络最新技术,并全部采用国际开放标准协议BACnet进行通讯。冷水机
The site controlled devices such as pumps, valves are coordination control by the DDC controller. The site DDC controller and the chiller interface are accessed the Ethernet via the NAE. 现场被控设备,如水泵、阀门等由DDC掌控器进行统一的协调掌控。现场DDC掌控器通过网络掌控引擎(NAE)接入以太网;冷水机组配置接口网关后也通过网络掌控引擎NAE接入以太网。冷水机
The third part group control system (which comply the international standard Bacnet protocol) can read /write data to the local group control system. Such as: above BA system, if authorized, it can collect data and control the chiller, pump and all other devices which are in the chilled water station system.在该以太网上,第三方群火控(只要遵守国际标准免费协议BACnet)都可以任意读写群火控的数据,例如:上图的BA系统,经过授权,它可以对冷冻站群火控中的机组、水泵、一次变频水泵等所有设备进行数据采集和掌控。冷水机
After the current devices have run a lone time, the user may need to artificially switching another set of system operation, the conventional group control system should take the corresponding equipment shut down then re issued command to start the rotation function, but the system has "bumpless switching" function, allows the operator to start the equipment rotation function through the PC command the system will automatically choose to participate, the rotation of the chiller , open the water valve and pump correspondingly and then open the participation in the rotation of the chiller. after a period of time delay, finally closing a set of original running system在当前一组设备长时间运行后,用户可能需要人为的切换另外一套系统来运行,常规的群火控需要先把相应设备关闭后重新发出开启命令才能启动轮换功能,但本系统具有无扰切换功能,允许操作员通过上位机命令启动设备轮换功能,系统将自动选择参与轮换的科真亮,打开相应的水阀及水泵,然后开启参与轮换的科真亮;延时一段时间后,最后关闭原先运行的一组系统。冷水机
In some situations, chiller cannot reach the design rated power, such as: chiller pipe scaling effects the efficiency, the chiller working conditions over the design working conditions and so on, under these conditions, chiller will not reach its normal working load, this procedure does not meet with machine conditions, leading to the construction of the load cannot be met in a timely manner. Now, this system has imposed machine function can effectively avoid this problem: when the chilled water supply temperature exceeds the set point of 3 degrees above, and continued for more than 20 minutes (adjustable), the program will add machine operation, in time to meet the load requirements.在某些工作条件下,科真亮可能无法达到其设计时的额定功率,例如:科真亮管道结垢影响效率、科真亮的工作条件超过了设计工作条件等等,在这些条件下,科真亮将无法达到其正常工作负荷,此时程序没有满足加机的条件,导致建筑的负荷无法及时得到满足。此时,本系统具有的强制加机功能可以有效的避免这个问题:当冷冻水供水温度超过其设定点3度以上,并且持续20分钟以上(可调整),程序将进行加机操作,及时满足负荷的要求。冷水机
3、Avoiding add machine operation when the system is approaching shut down临近系统关闭时避免加机操作冷水机
The last several hours in a day, under normal circumstances the building load will decline. But there may be a short time fluctuation occasionally, caused by adding machine unnecessary operation of the system. The program reserve to avoid adding machine function, according to user needs to set in a specified period of time to avoid adding machine operation.在系统一天中运行的最后几个小时内,一般情况下,建筑冷负荷会下降。但偶尔可能会有短时间的波动,引起系统不必要的以此类推机操作,本程序预留避免加机功能,可根据用户需要设置在规定时间段内避免进行加机操作。冷水机
4、Assist the daily maintenance function辅助日常维护功能冷水机
When the device is in a repair state, or for various reasons , do not want a unit or the pump to participate in group control, in the device setting, set the chiller not available, the unit or the pump will not participate in group control logic当设备处于维修状态,或者由于各种原因不想让某台机组或水泵参与群控的话,只需在系统中将该设备设置为不可用状态,则此机组或水泵将不参与群控逻辑。冷水机
The group control system can commission with the existing building automation system, and can provide standard protocol for BAS system. Through the provision and distribution of authority, can monitor and control of the group control system in the existing system remotely, and can be read but not limited to, the following parameters:群火控能与现有的楼宇设备自火控进行通信、提供开放的通讯接口供BAS系统接收,通过权限的设置及分配,可在原有系统上可以远程监测并掌控本群火控,可以读取但不仅限于下列参数:冷水机
Supply /return temperature of chilled water, Supply /return temperature of cooling water, refrigerating fluid pressure, oil pressure of evaporator /condenser, motor current percent, saturation temperature, oil temperature of evaporator /condenser, running hours of compressor, running time of compressor, exhaust temperature of compressor.冷冻水供/回水温度、冷却水供/回水温度、蒸发器/冷凝器内制冷剂压力、油压差、电动机电流值的百分率、蒸发器/冷凝器的饱和温度、油温及油压、压缩机运行小时数、压缩机启动次数、压缩机排气温度冷水机
The refrigerant pressure, low temperature of chilled water, refrigerant high pressure, high temperature and high pressure lubricating oil, lubricating oil, lubricating oil pressure, chilled water flow is too small, the cooling water flow is too small, the compressor motor current exceeds the limit, the starter failure etc.冷媒低压、冷冻水温过低、冷媒高压、润滑油高温、润滑油高压、润滑油低压、冷冻水流量过少、冷却水流量过少、压缩机电动机之电流超过限量、启动器失灵等等冷水机
l The detail parameters of the chiller interface 制科真亮接口详细参数如下表:冷水机